G2 3jz. In recent years, there. G2 3jz

 In recent years, thereG2 3jz  Foye

View all articles by this author. 02 GDEC, Glasgow 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow. 1 , 2 The risk profile of head and neck cancer (HNC) is. D. 378 Sauchiehall StreetDepartment of Orthodontics, University of Glasgow, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ, Scotland, UK. It has a range of clinical phenotypes, and children and young people often present with challenging oral health needs. Diversity analysis on equine microbial profiles at health and periodontal disease. Douglas Robertson. 5%. ac. J. 378 Sauchiehall StreetDepartment of Orthodontics, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, University of Glasgow, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ. 6 Department of Chemistry and Material Science Institute, University of Lancaster, Lancaster, LA1 4YB, UK. PMID: 22777144 PMCID: PMC3786254 DOI: 10. Our knowledge of biofilms has advanced greatly since plaque. Corresponding Author. This study evaluates the effects of IONPs-CS as carriers of miconazole (MCZ) or fluconazole (FLZ) on microcosm biofilms. Abstract A series of 330 patients with recurrent aphthae was screened for deficiencies of iron, folate and vitamin B12, In 47 patients (14. a Department of Child Dental Care, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ, U. F. 4811946 Abstract Root canal treatment for children has particular difficulties and considerations. It relates mainly to aspects of diagnosis and treatment planning and is considered highly authentic and useful. ac. ; 3 Consultant in Restorative. Lorna McCaul. First Bite Syndrome (FBS) is a painful condition which classically presents as severe pain in the pre-auricular region, initiated on the first bite of a meal. 2021 at 11. Dineen & Matthew J. 13-1. Numerous studies of the potential mechanisms whereby smoking tobacco may predispose to periodontal disease have been conducted, and it appears that smoking may affect the vasculature, the humoral immune system, and the cellular immune and inflammatory systems, and have effects throughout the cytokine and adhesion molecule network. Josie A. Radiology DepartmentThe pre-treatment lateral cephalograms of two groups of 20 subjects with severe Class III malocclusions were compared. net . STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A dental trauma database was used to randomly identify patients who had received treatment for avulsed teeth between 1998. D. Map of G2 3JZ postcode in Glasgow, Scotland with local information, lat/long: 55. People also read lists articles that other readers of this article have read. Lappin Glasgow Dental School, School of Medicine, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ UK. Phone or click the button below to book online for a consultation with one of our experienced team. 4 NHS National Services Scotland, Health Protection Scotland, Glasgow, G2 6QE, UK. This means the venue was found to be offering good practice controls for the safety of employees and visitors in accordance with Government guidance. albicans SC5314 and 3153A (1×10 6 cells/mL) were grown in flat-bottomed 96 well microtitre plates at 37°C for 24, 48 and 72 h in RPMI-1640, YPD + 10% FCS, YNB + 100mM glucose and Spider media. uk. Oral Microbiol Immunol, (2):123-125 1991. ac. Search for more papers by this author. Address: 84 Castle St, Glasgow G4 0SF, United Kingdom. Non-White ethnic groups account for an increasing proportion of the UK population. uk. Glasgow G2 3JZ. 4811855. 0. Professor of Dental Public Health, Community Oral Health, Level 8, University of Glasgow Dental School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JZ, L. uk breakdown; european breakdown; motorbike breakdown; report a breakdown; insurance; car insurance; home insurance. View all articles by this author. Macpherson H. 4 Infection and Immunity Research Group, Glasgow Dental School, School of Medicine, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, The University of Glasgow, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ, UK. R ef erences. Macfarlane & D. British Dental Journal (2009) Endodontics Root canal treatment usually fails because infection remains within the root canal. Start today. M. Implant Dentistry: Fall 1997 - Volume 6 - Issue 3 - p 229 FreeAffiliations 1 Infection and Immunity Research Group, Glasgow Dental School, School of Medicine, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G2 3JZ, UK. Even though the ability of MSCs to proliferate and differentiate has been studied extensively, there remains much to learn about the signaling mechanisms and pathways that control proliferation and influence the differentiation phenotype. Socioeconomic inequalities in UADT cancer incidence are recognised across Europe. Properties in SW2 3JZ had an overall average price of £418,000 over the last year. and School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JZ, UK. D. ac. Chestnutt Affiliations 1 Department of Restorative Dentistry, The University of Glasgow, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378, Sauchiehall street, Glasgow, G2 3JZ. would be somewhat unusual for a sub-stance to cause an illness outside home-opathy but to cure it within homeopathy. ; 3 Department of Oral Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia. Apply a thin layer of sealer to the apical third of the selected cone, and insert it to working length. Centre for Contemporary Arts. Glasgow Dental Hospital and School 378 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow G2 3JZ, Scotland, UK. 265553, grid reference: NS583659 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow. V. Radiology Department The pre-treatment lateral cephalograms of two groups of 20 subjects with severe Class III malocclusions were compared. Hundreds of Workshops open around the UK. Tel. Surgery alone may be treatment for early‐stage disease or surgery may be used in combination with radiotherapy, chemotherapy. Department of Orthodontics, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ. Several studies have shown differences in the microflora between the various. Thus, the2 Infection and Immunity Section, University of Glasgow, Medical Faculty, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ, UK. Health improvement strategies can involve whole population approaches, targeted programmes directed at individuals (high-risk approach) or at populations at greater risk (directed-population approach), or a mixture of approaches [1-6]. 0. Beacher Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology, Western Infirmary, Epilepsy Unit, Western Infirmary, Glasgow, UKThe craniofacial morphology of the parents of children with orofacial clefting:a systematic review of cephalometric studies G. 2 Biotechnology and Craniofacial Sciences (BACS) Research Group, Glasgow Dental School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JZ, United Kingdom. The most significant differences between the groups were in angle ANB, M/M ratio (P < 0. Map of G2 3JZ postcode in Glasgow, Scotland with local information, lat/long: 55. treatment has increased during the last . Consultant, Senior Lecturer, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ / Associate Dean for Postgraduate Dental Education, NHS Education for Scotland, 2nd Floor. Periodontal tissue expression of α7nAChR was determined by real-time PCR. T. M. Lee & [email protected]. Dickson. Smith Specialist in Dental Public Health, NHS Fife, Cameron Hospital, Windygates, KY8. See all articles by this author. Materials and methods A total of 179. The sheet was given to students prior to their enrolment, to provide ample time to consider the information, and the opportunity to question the Investigator, their GP or other independent parties to decide whether they will. Wednesday. Scheila Manica Andrew Forgie his mail with sealing wax imprinted with his bite to allow verification of authenticity of his documents: his anterior teeth were malaligned. This committed group grew into the British Paedodontic Society in 1968 which in turn became the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry (BSPD). Refereed Paper - accepted 26 January 2013 DOI: 10. General Dental Practitioner, Glasgow, G15 6EG 1 Biotechnology and Craniofacial Sciences (BACS) Research Group, Glasgow Dental School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JZ, United Kingdom. Visit us / Open Days. ; 3 Department of Preventive Dentistry, Academic Centre for. lorna. pylori is unknown, although the oral cavity has been the focus of much attention in this respect. Added on 06/02/2023 by Joyce Heeps Homes, East Kilbride. smith@dental. Journals metrics. With outbreaks recorded in six continents, C. J. Journals metrics. Results. Find your nearest below. Infection and Immunity Research Group, School of Medicine, University of Glasgow Dental School. Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ. With dynamic epidemiology, elevated resistance levels and an. Periodontal Unit, Adult Dental Care Department, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, Glasgow, Scotland, U. ramage@glasgow. B cells and T cells accumulate in large numbers in the periodontal tissues, although until recently we have had little information on cellular synthetic activity and proliferation of these cells. Glasgow Dental Hospital and School. Resistance of Candida species to conventional therapies has motivated the development of antifungal nanocarriers based on iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) coated with chitosan (CS). This study is registered at ClinicalTrials. Search for more papers by this author. Heat is applied to the. G. The 122 emm89 strains newly sequenced and studied herein were cultured from individuals throughout Scotland between 2010 and 2016, including 98 from patients with symptomatic infections at normally sterile sites (designated invasive infection isolates). Development of a PCR assay specific for Peptostreptococcus anaerobius. ac. G2 3JZ 0141 211 9875 E-mail: deborah. Correspondence to E-mail: [email protected] Metrics and citations Metrics. ; 2 Institute of Healthcare Policy and Practice, School of Health, Nursing, and Midwifery, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley PA1 2BE, UK. nhs. 2. Corresponding Author. Dental School. Gordon WG Smith, David F Lappin, Gordon Ramage & Andrew J Smith. Although Candida albicans is the predominant oral fungal pathogen, other species may also play an integral role in pathogenesis. 33) and low occupational prestige (OR = 1. ac. Affiliations 1 School of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing, University of Glasgow, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ, United Kingdom. Oral Biology Group, University of Glasgow, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ, Scotland, UK. Affiliations 1 Institution: University of Glasgow Dental Hospital & School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JZ, UK. E-mail: david. The Scottish Parliament constituency is Glasgow Kelvin. ›. p. b Infection and Immunity Research Group, Glasgow Dental School, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, The University of Glasgow, Glasgow G2 3JZ, UK Abstract Periodontitis (PD) is a chronic infectious disease mediated by bacteria in the oral cavity. Email: giulio. uk; GDEC has been certified by RoSPA following the completion of a COVID-19 Back to Work Review. Departments of Conservative Dentistry, Oral Biology and Biochemistry, and Oral Medicine and Pathology, University of Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, Glasgow, Scotland G2 3JZ, UK View all articles by this authorObjective This study examined the policies, procedures, environment and equipment used for the cleaning of dental instruments in general dental practice. Find quality accommodation and discover the best things to do and see. email [email protected] Monday to Friday for patients who are not registered at a dentist and need emergency treatment, and between 7. G2 3JZ. We offer a wide range of appointment times to suit you, including Saturdays and late nights on Tuesday and Wednesday. #26 of 210 hotels in Glasgow. Email: [email protected] Metrics and citations Metrics. 01355 201330 Local call rate. scot. Affiliations 1 School of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, Glasgow G2 3JZ, UK. Surgery is an important part of the management of oral cavity cancer with regard to both the removal of the primary tumour and removal of lymph nodes in the neck. Croatian National Cancer Registry, National Institute of Public Health, Zagreb 10000, Croatia. 5 School of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G2 3JZ, UK. Fax: 0141 353 1593. Electronic address: gordon. albicans biofilms. Contact: [email protected], 15 ml of mid-log-phase culture was. 1. This pathway is mediated by the vagus nerve which releases acetylcholine to interact with the α7 subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7nAChR) on proximate immuno-regulatory cells. Correspondence to David M Shaw, Faculty of Medicine Dental School, University of Glasgow, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ, UK; d. ; 2 School of Dental Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, UK. P. Lecturer in Oral Microbiology, Infection Research Group, Glasgow Dental Hospital & School. Reid. doi: 10. 57). K. 3-C00. Level 7, Clinical Research Facility, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow. The clinical study was funded by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government and the Medical Faculty University of Glasgow. Beeley. Several colonies from overnight growth on a blood agar plate were cultured in 15 ml of brain heart infusion broth (BHI) overnight; 500 μl of this overnight culture was added into 20 ml of BHI, and the cells were grown until mid-log phase (optical density at 600 nm [OD 600], 0. 1. Owen. 1 Infection and Immunity Research Group, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow Dental School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JZ, UK. Department of Oral Sciences, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow G2 3JZ, U. Ross AuthorsGlasgow Dental School, School of Medicine, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK. It was found that the liquid and capsule preparations of itraconazole were equally effective adjuncts in the treatment. 2013. macnab@ggc. ac. 4 Biological and Medical Sciences, The University of Glasgow, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378, Sauchiehall street, Glasgow, G2 3JZ. 1Consultant/Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JZ, UK; 2Honorary Secretary, Faculty of Dental Surgery, Here are the top hospitals in Glasgow. This article was published in Scottish Medical Journal. p. Gareth Calvert, Lynnsey Crane & Lee Savarrio. In recent years, there. A. Monday to Friday 9. ac. School of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, Glasgow G2 3JZ, UK Alicia Ware Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, School of Health and Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow G4 0BA, UK Oral Biology Group, University of Glasgow, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ, Scotland, UK View all articles by this author [email protected] Dr. Beeley b " University Department of Oral Medicine and Pathology', Glasgow. 4 Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, School of Health and Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow G4 0BA, UK. marcello. Andrew Smith, College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences, Glasgow Dental Hospital & School, University of Glasgow, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JZ, UK. 3 Royal Hospital for Sick Children, 9 Sciennes Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1LF, Edinburgh, UK. The use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, parenteral nutrition, indwelling. 2 Infection and Immunity Research Group, Glasgow. uk. 1. Introduction. We serve a population of 1. The University of Glasgow is a registered Scottish charity: Registration Number SC004401. E. Orthodontic Department, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ, UK. W. Review. Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Strains were identified as emm89 by emm gene sequencing as. S. Kelly. 1 Infection and Immunity Research Group, University of Glasgow Dental School, Level 9, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JZ, UK. Beeley. Email: giulio. Department of Prosthodontics, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, Glasgow. Pneumococcal pneumonia is a major cause of. uk. Glasgow. gla. The implementation of web-based virtual patient simulation program to teach dental students oral surgery has been investigated. M. 4%) of all teeth in a large systematic analysis of cross sectional studies. Or ganizing hematoma . The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated the movement of this. 2 Honorary Secretary, Faculty of Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, United Kingdom. PMID: 11709976 Abstract. Glasgow G2 3JZ Email: andrew. 30. Journals metrics. 9% (mean 5. Search for more papers by this authorMethods. Glasgow Royal Infirmary. We observed increased lung cancer risk estimates for men with medium (OR = 1. ryan. 2151874a@student. uk. ; 2 Department of Public Health, The University of Glasgow, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378, Sauchiehall street, Glasgow, G2 3JZ. 8 Weekly Services. Healthcare improvements in the last century have led to an increasingly elderly population. M. Carrotte. The aims of this study were to compare the microbiomes of denture wearers, and to understand the implications of these towards inter-kingdom and host-pathogen interactions within. ac. 378 Sauchiehall St , Glasgow , G2 3JZ Directions. 7 Department of Head and Neck Surgery, University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Sao Paulo 05403-000, Brazil. On the 1st April 2015, Food Standards Scotland took on all of the functions previously carried out in Scotland by the Food Standards Agency. Recommended Reviews. 12. 1. Hospitals. Colony forming unit (CFU) counts for aerobic (Figure 1 A), anaerobic bacteria (Figure 1 B) and fungi (Figure 1 C) were determined by plate counting over the 7-day treatment in the non-treated controls on all days the CFU counts were above ~5 × 10 7. International students. Dental School Oral Biochemistry Unit, Oral Biology Group, University of Glasgow. This audit aimed to assess the quality of communication between dental students/qualified dentists and dental technicians, increase the percentage of satisfactorily completed laboratory prescriptions and reduce the number of. 5 to 0. Arts center Photo: Sam Saunders, CC BY-SA 2. M. AIM: To identify early clinical variables that are most predictive of treatment outcome and to develop a model that will allow prediction of treatment outcomes based on these variables. Bradley. The high risk approach aims to prioritise interventions to those identified (often through. david. IQCODE has been used for retrospective or contemporaneous assessment of. ac. This novel data linkage demonstrates the feasibility of monitoring population-based health outcomes of school-aged looked after and non-looked after children using linked routine administrative data. Affiliations 1 Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow, G4 0BA, United Kingdom. b Department of Oral Sciences, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ, U. O'Donnell, B. Filling the root canal system. Email. 4, C09-C10, C14) and laryngeal cancer (C32) on the Scottish Cancer Registry (1975. M. bdj. H. Overall, sold prices in SW2 3JZ over the last year were 7% up on the previous year. 6 Genomic Epidemiology Group, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC/WHO), G2 3JZ Lyon, France. The University of Glasgow is a registered Scottish charity: Registration Number SC004401. D. Eckersallb-**, R. 23; 95 % CI 1. Cavrini F , Pirani C , Foschi F , Montebugnoli L , Sambri V , Prati C. uk. ac. 1 Consultant in Oral Medicine Glasgow Dental Hospital & School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JZ. 21 The study population comprised all general dental practitioners in Scotland with a National Health. Healthcare improvements in the last century have led to an increasingly elderly population. 1 University of Glasgow Dental School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ, Scotland, UK. Tel: 0141 211 9741. MacphersonH. Address: University of Glasgow Dental School. gla. 1177/0022034512470690 Received May 24, 2012; Last revision November 13, 2012; Accepted November 13, 2012 A supplemental appendix to this article is published elecDetached Villa 4 3. Glasgow Dental Hospital, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JZ, UK. i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report has been produced under a contract placed by the Food Standards Agency. L. For more details on the exact area these statistics cover, please see the map below. uk Abstract Word Count: 295 Total Word Count: 3,199 Total number of tables/figures: 3 Number of references: 32 Keywords: COVID-19; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2; Asymptomatic; Dentistry; Outpatient; SwabDental Radiology, Glasgow Dent al Hospit al, G2 3JZ. 5 School of Life Sciences, Gibbet Hill Campus, The University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK. Recently, the use and the clinical application of virtual reality in pre-clinical dental. 9. ac. 2 Oral Healthcare R&D, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare, Weybridge KT13 0DE, UK. 00 - 19. Fungi represent a significant burden of infection to the hospital population. Dickson. 1080/000163501750266747. Search for more papers by this author. Updated September 1, 2021. Research Assistant, Glasgow Dental Hospital & School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JZ. Kinane, Department of Oral Medicine and Pathology, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JZ, UKSearch for more papers by this authorCorresponding Author. The case-control study has been in operation since the first case of vCJD was identified in 1996 and almost all the families of cases (98%) have agreed to take part in the study. Correspondence. Tickets cost $2 - $4 and the journey takes 14 min. Surgery is an important part of the management of oral cavity cancer with regard to both the removal of the primary tumour and removal of lymph nodes in the neck. 0 Background and MethodologyGlasgow, G2 3JZ; 2Professor of Restorative Dentistry, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Dubai School of Dental Medicine, Dubai Healthcare City, POW. P. 6University of Glasgow Dental School, 9th Floor, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ *Expenditure and Food Survey renamed Living Costs and Food Survey in 2008 Report to Food Standards Scotland 28th February 2017 . The impact of treatment for head and neck cancer on patients' oral and dental health. lorna. 16 min Average Duration. : +44(0) 141 211 9752; fax: +44(0) 141 331 2798; e-mail: gordon. J. com. ac. OKF6/TERT-2 oral keratinocytes were exposed to Porphyromonas gingivalis in the presence and absence of a α7nAChR agonist (PHA-543613 hydrochloride) alone or after pre-exposure to a specific α7nAChR antagonist (α. The membrane glycoproteins (Gn and Gc) of Bunyamwera virus (BUN; family Bunyaviridae) accumulate in the Golgi complex, where virion maturation occurs. 2017. uk Abstract This paper re-evaluates euthanasia and assisted suicide from the perspective of eudaimonia, the ancient Greek conception of happiness across one’s whole life. Correspondence. 1007/s00011-012-0513-z Abstract Objectives: The aim of. Introduction. uk. I. The reasons are most likely . Trips from Glasgow. b Infection and Immunity Research Group, Glasgow Dental School, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, The University of Glasgow, Glasgow G2 3JZ, UK Abstract Periodontitis (PD) is a chronic infectious disease mediated by bacteria in the oral cavity. Results. ac. Saunders, Department of Adult Dental Care, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ, ScotlandSearch for more papers by this author. 15pm Monday to Friday for patients who are not registered at a dentist and need emergency treatment, and between 7. M. Phone: +44 141 211 4000. Address: 84 Castle St, Glasgow G4 0SF, United Kingdom. Bacteriology Department, Consultant Microbiologist, Glasgow Royal Infirmary. SmithThe humoral immune response, especially the production of IgG and IgA, is considered to have a protective role in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease, but the precise mechanisms are still unknown. 1007/s11517-015-1334-3 Abstract A multi-view three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry system was developed to capture 3D shape of breasts for breast cancer patients. nhs. We conducted several subgroup and sensitivity analyses to assess the robustness of our results. d. Candida albicans is a dimorphic fungal pathogen that causes both superficial and systemic candidiasis []. This audit aimed to assess the quality of communication between dental students/qualified dentists and dental technicians, increase the percentage of satisfactorily completed laboratory prescriptions and reduce the number of errors that can result from poor communication. Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ, United Kingdom. Search for more papers by. gla.